Flooring is an important aspect of any fit out and safety flooring is imperative in any medical environment.
In a space which is prone to frequent cleaning and the odd spill here and there you need to make sure your safety flooring is actually what is says it is…..safe!
Below are some key points to keep in mind when selecting safety flooring:
Make sure the vinyl or tile selected has a rough surface. Anything that is smooth will quickly become slippery increasing the risk of falls
Be sure that any vinyl flooring specified has achieved a sustainable result of 36+ in the Pendulum Slip Test for slip resistance tested in wet conditions
Make sure your specified flooring isn’t chosen soley on R ratings, these ratings apply to new surfaces only and do not demonstrate any longevity when it comes to the floor coverings slip resistance
Have a chat to your fit out company so they can help you understand the importance of safety flooring and which options are right for you.